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A Man of Taste.
2003-11-12 at 12:35 p.m.

A Man of Taste

He is from a well-to-do Japanese family, has lived all his life in privilege. He is well-educated, artistic, and cultured.

He is a cannibal.

Read his confession here.

As always, a morsel to tease your palate;

"...I cut her body and lift the meat to my mouth again and again. Then I take a photograph of her white corpse with its deep wounds. I have sex with her body. When I hug her she lets out a breath. I'm frightened, she seems alive. I kiss her and tell her I love her. Then I drag her body to the bathroom..."

He walks free now.

If a soft-spoken Japanese gentleman invites you to his place to read some German expressionist poetry, it's probably wise to stay home.

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